Gold is a metal that is soft and malleable, hardness ranged between 2.5 - 3 (Mohs scale), and its density depends on the type and content of other metals combined with it. Mineral gold carrier usually associated with minerals (gangue minerals). Associated minerals are generally quartz, carbonate, tourmaline, flourpar, and a small number of non-metallic minerals. Mineral gold carrier was also associated with sulphide deposits that have been oxidized. Carrier mineral of gold consists of gold nativ, elektrum, telurida gold, some gold alloys and compounds with the elements sulfur, antimony, and selenium. Elektrum actually another type of gold nativ, only the silver content in it> 20%.
Gold formed from the process or pengkonsentrasian magmatisme on the surface. Some of the sediment formed by the process metasomatisme contacts and hydrothermal solutions, while the mechanically produced precipitate pengkonsentrasian put (placer). Genesis of gold that is categorized into two primary sediment and sediment plaser
Gold is widely used as an item of jewelry, foreign exchange reserves, etc..
The potential of gold deposits found in almost every region in Indonesia, such as in Sumatra, Riau Islands, Kalimantan, Java, Sulawesi, Nusa Tenggara, Maluku and Papua.
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